Any Port in a storm...

Everyone has, or knows someone who has, a Sloe Gin recipe. I have discovered it is the sign of someone who loves gin - pimping it with fruit. But, especially with the stone-laden sloes, what do you do with the fruit AFTER gin.

Port, thats what.

Last season I even added in the Elderberries from a small batch of elderberry vodka I made. Still lovely but a very different taste. Either way it is lovely stuff. And it is so incredibly easy it feels awkward writing a whole post on it,

How many bottles of gin did you make? Well, simply add your drained fruit from your rum/gin/whatever to the same amount of wine and 100g of sugar per bottle.

Leave for 3 months then drain and add 100ml of brandy to make it a bit more punchy. Works out about 15-20 percent. And very very dangerous delicious. 

Best bit.. its all recycling! Two bottles of lovely liquor from one batch of sloes, and I'm told you can even add the sloes to chocolate at this stage and make chocolate. I've not done this though as I know me.., I'd forget they have stones and break my teeth in the process of trying to shovel it in at breakneck speed. Or Mr O would, he inhales his food.

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